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Conservation in Monteverde

The Monteverde area holds astonishing biodiversity. It is home to the largest number of orchid species in the world.


Dedicated to conservation of the land, the flora and fauna, we have reforested the hilly areas near the stream to protect the soil and water quality.  We’ve also made considerable plantings of an endangered and endemic wild avocado tree and other native “aguacatillo” trees that are important food sources for threatened birds such as the quetzal, the bellbird, and the black guan.


In addition to conservation of the natural world, this property is a place where you can strengthen your connection with the planet. Here we are in alignment with the environmental goals of the local community of Monteverde, which values sustainable living and is approaching its goal of zero carbon emissions.  We are searching for a buyer with similar values.


In commitment to nurture our relationship with nature, and educate others who want to get immersed in a more conservational way of living, we provide the following links with relevant information.

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